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Mustang North MS News
Are you ready to explore exciting career opportunities? Discover your limitless potential and connect with the MPS family at our upcoming Career Fair!
📅 Date: April 7, 2025
⏰ Time: 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
📍 Location: Mustang Performing Arts Center, 200 W Juniper Dr, Mustang, OK 73064
With the growth of our school district comes the necessary step of realigning our intermediate and middle school attendance boundaries.
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Mustang Public Schools is implementing a new Personal Technology Device (PTD) policy, which aims to minimize distractions and maximize the educational experience for all students.
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First, for the safety of our students, no students walk to school at either school site until the construction is completed.
Additionally, we are implementing a new traffic flow pattern to help ease congestion during drop-off and pick-up times.
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Effective July 1, 2024, all digital communication between school employees and students must include the student’s parent or guardian unless using a school-approved platform for school-related purposes.
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Comanche Nation Chairman and US Army veteran, Mark Woommavovah, visited with Native students about his role as the leader of a sovereign tribal nation and how his culture has impacted his life and career.
Congratulations to the Mustang North students who auditioned for, and were selected for a spot in the 2023-2024 CODA Honor Bands!
Congratulations to all of the winners of the library's annual Scary Short Story Writing contest!
MNMS 8th graders had a Dunkin Donuts themed book tasting in the library to sample new books.
The grade level principals, Mrs. Owen and Mr. Hill, got slimed during lunch last month as an incentive for students coming to school. Show up to school to find out what happens this month!
Congrats to the students who made COCDA!
Coach Garcia found a breakup letter and read it to the class. After some investigating to figure out the subjects of the letter, they figured out that it was the American Colonies breaking up with King George.
MNMS Volleyball takes the win over Yukon.
MNMS Flight and Space students created and tested hot air balloons.
Over the past two years, all students have received free school meals due to USDA federal waivers. Unfortunately, these federal waivers have expired. Mustang Public Schools is encouraging all families to complete a free and reduced meal application this year. It is more important now than ever before.
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