Attendance Is Key
Call In Your Child's Absences:
Phone: (405)324-2236
Fax: (405)324-2258
*Homework may be requested after a student has been absent for at least 3 consecutive days.
• Showing up every day is a skill that you are developing that will help you do well in class and with getting and keeping a job later on.
• School only gets harder when you skip a class. Sometimes it’s tempting to skip or stay home because you are tired or don’t understand what’s going on in class. But missing a day only makes that worse because you aren’t learning something that will help you understand a lesson later on.
• If you think missing a day here or there won’t matter, think again. By missing just one day every two weeks, you would be on track to miss two full weeks in a semester or nearly a month of school for the year!
• Did you know that a student who misses 10 days or more during a school year is less likely to graduate from high school and or ever enroll in college?
• Chronic absence can affect your ability to earn a living. Dropouts are less likely to succeed in a career. In fact, a high school graduate makes, on average, $1 million more than a dropout over a lifetime.
• If you’re having trouble getting to school— and have challenges such as transportation, bullies, etc.—tell someone, such as a teacher, guidance counselor or your family, maybe we can help.
Research shows a strong correlation between student attendance and student achievement and, ultimately, graduation rates. In fact, many studies have pointed to student attendance as the best predictor of high school graduation rates.